Sunday, May 25, 2008

Day 138, Sunday, 5/25/08 Year Four Dancer & Daedee: Snow Falling on Eagles

Hello Eagle Friends,

Today was humid and the temperature was mid-seventies. We had a tornado watch until 9 PM, but that seemed to pass without trouble too.

Em accompanied me today and we had a great time making up our silly songs, and her making play meals from the field. I had a burrito made of grasses, leaves, and a half dozen flowers which was supposed to taste like a chicken burrito with cheese, rice and tomato.

As we watched the eaglets moving around I noticed Daedee's neck feathers were stained with blood. I wondered what bloodied animal she carried in to make such a mess on her
white feathers.

Daniels Charlie was up and moving around most of the time we were there. He would stretch his wings out and then scratch his head with his cumbersome-looking yellow

D'ODEE Brian Michael was sitting in the middle of the nest. His mohawk grew up another inch since yesterday. Daniels Charlie has a little rising of feathers on the top of his crown but nothing like D'ODEE's.

We checked on our documentary robins, well, I should write they checked on us. Suddenly dad was there, ten feet away peering through the brush, then as he hopped into a clear spot I shot him picture. His beak is full of worms, but then to my right mom appeared at the same time, and she had twice as many worms dangling from her beak.

That was just enough for one feeding. Two parents trying to keep their 5 day old or so, robins fed. Then I watched as the dad flew off with a white sac in his mouth. "Em, look at the dad. Look what he is doing."
"He is flying the babies poop sac away from the nest so other animals don't find their nest."
Then he dropped the sac off into the three foot grasses. Pretty smart robin, huh?

We moved on and met Dick and Linda from St. Charles up on the road. "Em, tell them what you named the eagles twins."

"Soar and Freedom."
Dick and Linda thought that was wonderful. "Like mother like daughter. Em, do you know they call your mom, 'The lady of Whitewater?'

Em smiled back, she was trying to save ants that were swimming in a puddle of water.
Then we moved on to nest 2 where we found 7 week old Terry Gail picking through some
food on top of the nest.

At nest 6 we found Linda fishing over by the river and the twins up on the nest under dad.

No gosling's were running about today, none were swimming in puddles in the cornfield, and none were peeking through the grasses back at me. A day without gosling's is like a day without the sun peaking through clouds.

At nest 5 the twins were up on the nest. They should be starting to practice their jump flights today. Then we found a tiny locust walking the edge of a dandelion that was ready to start spreading its seeds.

Nest 4 is covered with foliage and all I could see was an adult eagle flying off the nest and into the west where dreams and visions are supposedly found.

On nest 3, the eaglet Victory Bell was sitting up on the nest, and my view, although much further away than last night was still just as lovely.

I'm looking forward to day 139.

See you on the journey--


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