Sunday, April 13, 2008

Day 96, Sunday, 4/13/08, Year Four Dancer & Daedee: Snow Falling on Eagles

Hello Eagle Friends,

Today the sunshine returned and it again seemed like spring with the temperatures raising the mercury in our Minnesota thermometers at 46 degrees.

Em and I hiked out to our north nest 1 post. Dancer was on the nest. We weren't there long before he stood up and stretched.
Then the moment I have waited for 96 days happened. He dipped his beak down into the nest and then he lifted his head watching the surroundings, then went back down, up, down, then he went over to the east side of the nest and did the same.

It's my honor to officially announce, Daniels Charlie, named after our country legend Charlie Daniels of the Charlie Daniels Band, has officially hatched. I promised Charlie last summer during a Support our Troops two hour special show on my Lisa's Walk The Talk Show that the first eaglet of 2008 I would name after him. I told him that I always name the nest 1 eaglets starting with the letter "D" so I will name the first born Daniels Charlie.

Welcome to the world Daniels Charlie and I do believe your official birthdate is 4-11-08, I just couldn't confirm your arrival until today. Daniels Charlie was born in a rain-sleet-snow storm and protected by the two eagles who protected him.
I do believe, you have a brother or sister in that nest as of today.

Dancer fed the eaglet(s) for about 20 minutes and then he laid back down on the nest. It may be a week or two before I can confirm the second eaglet. The long feeding, the moving to two sides of the nest are good indicators that we have two eaglets.

We moved on to nest 2 and I found The Mayor taking care of our 1 week old Terry Gail. He was antsy today. He flew off, then returned, then he lifted thumping back onto the edge of the nest peering down below, and I think he was trying to wake the eaglet. I've never seen the eagles do this. Then he flew off, circled and landed again. Leaning into the nest a moment, then he flew off and joined Judy in the air then they both landed a tree apart and called back and forth to each other.

Maybe an egg was hatching? I don't know what the survival rate would be if an eaglet hatched a week after its sibling, but the size difference alone would be a disadvantage for the younger eaglet.

We moved on to nest 6 where I found Linda up on the nest, with what looks like a fuzzy white head to her left. (Right, in the photo). Dick was stirring up all the shoveler ducks on the marshes, and had the Canada geese on their nests titling their heads up at him.

His talons were full of grasses and mud, so the ducks and geese had no worries. He flew in and took the nest and put down his bedding for what I believe is their first born eaglet. Then Linda flew off for a break.

Nest 5 eagle was laying on their nest when I arrived, nothing to report here.

Nest 3 eagle was on their nest day 36 incubation. Nest 4 eagle was on their nest for day 33 incubation. The valley was full of life people, Sunday drivers, fisherman, families enjoying the outdoors. It truly was a perfect Sunday.

We headed back to Rochester and stopped along the way to look for fossils. We found about dozen of them from little teeth, to shells, to fish fins. Then we ate at the new Kingdom Buffet that just opened up.

The place is gorgeous inside with an attractive fountain and wishing pond as you walk in. The staff, all authentically dressed in their Chinese garments, greeted us in a friendly, professionally manner. There are several dining areas to sit in which gives a relaxed atmosphere, and made for a more enjoyable dining experience with having some space around. The food was impressive, served fresh and hot. I was impressed with the large assortment of soups, salads, fruits, meats, and appetizers.

The only problem I see is saving room for your fortune cookie after scooping up a hand-dipped ice cream sundae. I don't know about you, but I'm glad to see some scooped from the tub, ice cream varieties rather than the all to familiar soft serve: vanilla, chocolate, twist, or orange sherbet found in 99% of the restaurants in and around Rochester.

As we left the restaurant a courteous, and grateful manager told me to tell all my friends they were open and to come for a meal, so I'm passing their invitation on to you.

I'm looking forward to day 97.

See you on the journey--


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