Friday, March 28, 2008

Day 80, Friday, 3/28/08, Year Four Dancer & Daedee: Snow Falling on Eagles

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Hello Eagle Friends,

Today was an excellent field day. The weather was almost spring-perfect. It was 36 degrees when I arrived with some wind, but nothing more than 10-20 mph.

I hiked out to nest 1 and found Dancer sitting on the nest peaking out at me. While there a male ringneck pheasant called out and
flew in to the underbrush by me. There were several songbirds that had arrived, too. I tried finding the bird making the beautiful
chorus but I never located it.

Dancer got up once and flew around, and I expected to see Daedee, but didn't. Dancer flew back to his nest and looked back down on me, like he was giving me a second glance to acknowledge I was still where I had been all morning. There is a knowingness a message in his glance, in his stares and maybe one day I'll understand what he is saying to me in thought.

When I hiked out back to my truck there was another vehicle north of mine. Whoever it was could very well have been the reason Dancer flew off the nest while I was there. Someone must have been out there on the north side.

I moved on to nest 2 where I spent about an hour. I hiked past the slough and to the river and The Mayor flew in only once to scan the nest area. Judy was dipping down in the nest, and there was one peep that I heard that could pass for an eaglet cry, but I'm not convinced.

I sat so long that a nuthatch came down and checked me out and went back to foraging. I also found an illegal deer stand up on the bluff where I have seen some good sized bucks. Hmm.

I moved on to nest 6 but there wasn't much activity going on. Linda was on the nest for day 20 incubation and she kept calling out, but I couldn't see any reason for it. There was no immature eagles that I could find, and Dick was no where around, so I didn't understand her vocalizing but I am sure there was some purpose for it.

Two male hooded mergansers flew up just as I focused in on them, and I missed the best shot of the season, until tomorrow anyway.

I moved on and found the sandhill cranes when I stopped to photograph a pair of wood ducks on a stump in the swamp. They flew up sending the cranes into a calling spree, but that invited two other cranes in from the north and all four sandhill cranes
spent the next hour walking around a little grassy island.

While sitting in the shore brush I watched a pair of shovelers fly over me. These are the first ones I have seen this year. The birds of spring are finally arriving, two pair by two.

Nest 3, nest 4, and nest 5 eagles were on their nests nothing new to report on any of these.

I'm looking forward to day 81.

See you on the journey--


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