Sunday, March 23, 2008

Day 75, 3/23/08, Year Four Dancer & Daedee: Snow Falling on Eagles

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Hello Eagle Friends,

Happy Easter.

Today was a wonderful day in the valley. It was 31 degrees with a mixture of light and heavy snow, on and off all day.

I hiked out to my nest 1 eagle post and watched as Daedee flew in to a nearby tree, and Dancer flew off the nest and began mating her. Then he flew off and she took the nest.

I thought that was good timing for capturing them mating for the 8th time this season.

Nest 2 was sitting, and one eagle was soaring above the nest it doesn't look like we have eaglets today.

Nest 6 was on their nest, but there was hardly a duck on the big pond. A few hooded merganser's still in pursuit of that female merganser, and a few dozen geese. The snow was falling heavily and it made a picturesque scene.

I moved to nest 5 and found an eagle sitting for day 25 incubation.

Nest 3 was on their nest.

Nest 4 was on their nest.

Then I headed to Wisconsin to pick up some cheese for my grandfather. Unfortunately, as I should have expected, the cheese factory was closed. So I headed further west and took some time to shoot pictures of a bald eagle fishing on a slough. There was a man who hiked out about 500 yards from the eagle sitting on open water, and I worried he would fall through the ice.

Then I went to another marsh and found three great blue herons had arrived! I just love to look at these gorgeous birds, they are so striking with all their shades of grays, blacks, yellow, white. I was only there a second before one of them dove his beak into the marsh and pulled up a eight inch fish.

As I turned back one of them flew up and as he landed I photographed him (above).

On the way back we ran into a young couple walking from their vehicle. We figured they had car problems so we asked if they wanted a ride to the gas station. We got them a gas can and drove them back.

The lady said, "It's my birthday today."

I said, "I promise you, it's going to get better, starting now."

When I got back we stopped at my grandparents and had a few minutes with them, and my mom. It was truly a perfect Easter Day.

I'm looking forward to Day 76.

I'll see you on the journey--


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