Saturday, January 12, 2008

Day 4 Saturday 1/12/08 Year Four Dancer & Daedee

Hello from Minnesota,

It was a gorgeous day today. Overcast and cool. It was 25º to 28º while I was there.
Give or take a few degrees. Cool and misty with a light snow, followed by a sleet-drizzle mixture.

All nests were empty on both checks today. I found several eagles throughout the day, just no eagles on their nests. I saw Edward or Elaina in their territory.

I can say with almost 99.9% certainty I found the twins from 2007. I want to say I'm 100% sure, but without a closer look, that is impossible to prove. They were about eight miles from their nest.

Words can't even describe how I felt when I saw the second eaglet dive down on the first. Both were alive! I heard them both cry out in tones I've never heard. Last time they were still using the language of a young eaglet, but today, they used their adult vocalizations.

After waiting almost three months, I found that Dorothy Gail Reuben had survived, (she had an eye injury the last time I saw her). The twins were still alive, together, and learning the ways of their world --still "wing-in-wing". For those who don't know these twins, they did everything together. I swore they would even fledge together, and one stormy day they actually did.

I looked again at my LCD panel on my camera and studied the shots carefully. I am sure it's them. I can almost prove this is the twins. The tails length and color patterns, the under wing markings, the sizes, every thing seems to be a match. I know it isn't the twins from 2006, as they look totally different with patterns. I don't know of any other eaglets in the valley from 2007. Let alone twins if there were.

If there were perchance, a migrating pair in the area (doubtful), if, could they even look so identical in markings to Damian Danielle and Dorothy Gail Reuben? I don't think so. Every eaglet is different. Colors of feet, tail length, beak length, beak color, stance, patterns in the brown and white feathers, eyes close together or wide set and so on. Out of the five eaglets I've watched grow up, none looked the same.

I have no doubts these two eaglets were siblings, even if not the 2007 eaglets, they were surely
bonded from birth.

I'm so thankful to have the opportunity to observe who I believe are Damian and Dorothy, still together at almost nine months of age.

I found the swans again today too. So I shot their beauty. I enjoyed watching them dig up the marsh bottom, digging for plant bulbs. I laughed as the ducks surrounded them almost looking for a handout.

Out at Daedee and Dancer's nest I found both eagles chasing out a third eagle, an eagle I believe to be Judy. I'm surprised at how protective they are of their territory already. I didn't expect this behavior for another month to five weeks.

I sat until about 3 PM, and followed some coyote tracks around in a circle, looks like there were two coyotes weaving my path from yesterday. I wish I could put my field cameras out without them being stolen. There is so much I could record and document.

Looking forward to Day 5.

See you on the journey --



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