Friday, January 18, 2008

Day 10, Friday, 1/18/08, Year Four Dancer & Daedee: Snow Falling on Eagles

Hello Eagle Friends,

Today was a cool adventure with the temperatures around -15 to -20 with the wind chills. We had
blowing snow advisories. I passed one area on my ride that looked like snowcapped mountains the drifts were almost five feet since yesterday. I just love the way nature carves a new picture for each day's journey.

As I write this now, the air temperature is -8 degrees outside, and it's almost -30 below zero with the wind chill.
We are supposed to hit -30 to -35 all night, and the high tomorrow is expected to be -2 degrees.
In this weather water freezes as you pour it out. Your McDonalds coffee is cool enough to drink about ten miles out, and you breathe in the crisp air and it feels like the sides of your lungs
touch together.

I have been waiting all week for these horses to be put out into their lower pasture. Someone had
made a snowman in the middle of their pasture, and I though it would make a funny shot if those
horses were out in the field too.

I finally had that opportunity today.

When I arrived at Dancer and Daedee's nest area I hiked out and Dancer flew out from the river and flew above me. I got a couple shots. Not much else going on in their area.

A couple days ago when I found Dancer and Daedee on their nest tree together, I felt the subtitle of this years book should be Snow Falling on Eagles. Then I put it aside, and thought about it time to time, these past couple days.

However, today when Dancer flew above me, then to the south over the other outdoorsman who was south of me, I felt that subtitle come to me again, Snow Falling on Eagles. I decided right then and there that should be the subtitle.

I moved on to the trumpeter swans who I found with an even larger heirum of mallards and teals surrounding them. The swans don't seem to mind, they don't peck at the smaller ducks, if anything
they appear empathetic towards them.

I found Judy's nest empty on the first pass, but on the second pass I found her flying high above with her mate. I've decided to name her mate The Mayor, after Donny, Judy's husband. I know some of you may wonder why one man should have two eagles named after him, but you would have to know him to understand that. Donny is very dear to my heart and he looks after me and I appreciate him and Judy both so much.

So then it's decided. Judy and The Mayor Donny, "The Mayor" for short.

I saw them both circling above their nest as I headed back home.

I should also mention that you can name the eagles whatever you want. I decided long ago that giving them names gave them respect. Whereas, naming them: Eagle 1, Eagle 2, Eaglet 1, and so on was too scientific. I'm not a scientist. I'm an author and photographer. I write the stories I see and feel, and record the details I experience.

I found both eagles on nest three today, and even though I was a half mile back, I could see them, and the scene was just lovely with them sitting by their snow-capped nest on the snow-dusted branches.

So then two things were decided today, Judy's mate is The Mayor. Secondly, the subtitle of this years book, Year Four Dancer & Daedee: Snow Falling on Eagles.

I won't reveal that meaning until the end of the story for year four, but for two days I have felt this should be the title.

I'm looking forward to Day 11.

See you on the journey--


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