Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Day 183, Wednesday, 7/9/08, Year Four Dancer & Daedee: Snow Falling on Eagles

Hello Eagle Friends,

Today was a hot day in the valley with temperatures in the high 80s. It cooled off by evening dropping quickly to the low 70s.

I found no activity on nest 7.

When I reached my post at nest 1, D'ODEE was there alone. He was facing the river searching each passing bird to see if it was a familiar face.

I thought I heard Daniels Charlie up the river. It could have been Terry Gail, too. Both their cries sound alike.

I sat for a couple hours waiting and waiting for any eagle activity, but no eagles came in and D'ODEE made no attempt to fly today.

That animal was out by me again. I followed it's path into some low hanging branches from a half dozen sumac trees, but I found no animal. I did find three places where it had made a place to stand and watch me through the tall grasses.

Three foot circles just ten to twelve feet by three of my mini posts. I can't figure out what it is. I heard barking, a muffled bark in the distance again and I am sure it has to be a coyote or a wolf. I'll have to put my field cameras out again and see if it triggers them.

I left when the last of the sunlight was splashing through the leaves across D'ODEE's face.

When I arrived at nest 2 I saw movement on the nest, and by the time I got my camera focused the movement had stopped. I don't know if it was a big crow, or if Terry Gail was there and just left but I was disappointed that I didn't get a shot.

At least one of twins have fledged at nest 6. I could hear one of them on the marsh floor up in a tree, and if there had been more light and more time perhaps I would have found at least one of them.

Nest 5 was quiet. No eaglets had returned and for the first time in all these months that nest looked like the quiet tree that I first came upon during the winter. For even with it's leaves and and green head dress, it was just as bare, just as silent
without the twins.

I had barely focused in on nest 3 when a large brown eaglet, our Victory Bell, came dropping in before my eyes. Even in the low light I was able to get one shot of him returning home.

That only leaves nest 4, and D'ODEE. Maybe D'ODEE will be our last eaglet to fledge, maybe that is a sign in itself that let no eaglet be left behind so he is waiting.

I'm looking forward to Day 184.

See you on the journey--


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