Friday, April 25, 2008

Day 108, Friday, 4/25/08, Year Four Dancer & Daedee: Snow Falling on Eagles

Hello Eagle Friends,

As I type this I keep glancing out the window of my studio to see if the snow has begun. I wonder if Duluth, MN will get the 14 inches of snow predicted tonight. It was rainy and 62 degrees while I was in the valley today. The entire weekend is supposed to be snow and rain. I guess the name of this years project couldn't be more fitting (Snow Falling on Eagles).

I spent my morning with Daedee and Dancer. Dancer was on Riverside North when I hiked out, and Daedee was off the nest perched on the Look Out Tree. I knew there was a person back there for them to be acting the way they were.

I sat down at The Eagle Nest Coffee Bar & Cafe, Daedee was right behind me watching whoever, and whatever north of both of us. She preened for almost an hour trying dry herself before the next storm hit. It was almost noon when I heard a scuffle and breaking timber. I turned into the direction of the noise and looked to Daedee first, for she had a "eagle eye view" and I trusted that. She looked down and I watched her follow the animal.

I saw a white back end, which was likely a white-tailed deer. Then Daedee flew over to Riverside North and started vocalizing her, "grk, grk" and that had me wondering if maybe it was a coyote. So I went to the riverbank across from Daedee but I couldn't see any tracks, nothing.

I looked for Dancer, but he wasn't anywhere I could see either. Then Daedee flew off and landed behind me. I walked back to my post, and she flew off to the future tree and kept looking down at the ground. I have to wonder if she wasn't trying to show me where the animal was.

I sat back down, and I was only there about five minutes when I heard faint, whispering "Maaa. Maa." That's when I realized it must have been a doe coming back for her fawn. Em and me saw one yesterday, so they are arriving early -- like all the babies this year.

I left and as I hit the highway my friends, Dick and Linda from St. Charles stopped to talk to me. I told them the eagles I named after them have an eaglet. We chatted a few minutes and we said our good-byes until next time. I look forward to their smiles and their kindness each visit.

At nest 2 I found The Mayor up on the nest feeding Terry Gail. I couldn't get any shots of the eaglet today, and I doubt I'll get any eaglet shots before next week if the weather doesn't change.

At nest 6, I found Dick the male eagle, sitting perched by Linda the female eagle who was feeding their eaglet on the nest.
The geese were all on their boxes and nest mounds and I found no goslings today.

I did find that furry little muskrat up on the mound by the first goose and it was washing its face, then one shot it scratched his head and smiled at the camera baring his buck teeth, bright yellow.

Nest 5 eagle was perched above the nest and the mushrooms that shot up yesterday were already starting to age and wilt.
Across the way at another marsh I spent some time trying to figure out if the snapping turtle that was floating on the surface with his head underneath. He remained motionless during the time I was there. I am still not sure if he was dead, just died, or
just hanging. I have shots with his eyes open under the water, and he wasn't there yesterday, so I guess I will have to wait until tomorrow to find out.

By the time I reached nest 3 and 4 I was short on time, and a rainstorm was about to hit. Both eagles were up on their nests feeding.

It was a nice day to be in the valley, rain or shine.

I'm looking forward to day 109.

See you on the journey--


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